Description: A public FTP and WWW archive maintained by <A HREF="">FUNET</A> for all kinds of networking related information including standards documents, NIC information, software etc. Many parts are mirrored from elsewhere for the benefit of <A HREF="
ALIWEB-Title: A Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry
Description: The Geometry Center's gallery of interactive World Wide Web applications. The exhibits are designed for visualizing a variety of geometric ideas in 2, 3, and even higher dimensions. Explore concepts like quasicrystals, symmetries, and hyperbolic space.
Description: The Cyberview 3D Document Generator is a WWW server add-on that makes it easy to create HTML documents with inline, rotatable, hyperlinked 3D images (3D imagemaps). These 3D pages are created using ordinary HTML (together with one special IMG3D tag to inline the 3D data), and can be vi
Description: MPEG Player with Motif interface. Page includes documentation, sample MPEGs, download links.
Keywords: MPEG, Motif, X11, animation, hyperbolic
Title: Mpeg Player/MI
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Geometry Center Picture Archive
Description: The Geometry Center maintains an archive of pictures representing projects done at the Center, or projects carried out as a result of interaction with the Center. These pictures are indexed by author, subject, and several other means.
ALIWEB-Title: The W3Kit Object Library for Interactive WWW Applications, version 2.0
Description: W3Kit 2.0 is a system for building sophisticated interactive World Wide Web applications. The interactive features are based on HTML 2.0 or 3.0 fill-out forms on the client side, and the CGI standard on the server side, where the application will run as a server script.
Title: The W3Kit Object Library for Interactive WWW Applications, version 2.0
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Geometry Center Software Archive
Description: The Geometry Center Software archive contains several general purpose applications and software tools developed here by various staff members and researchers.
Description: The WebOOGL system takes the Web into 3D. WebOOGL is a distributed hypermedia format which plays the role of HTML for 3D information. This page offers viewing software, examples, and documentation for WebOOGL.
Keywords: visualization, 3D, distributed, VRML
Title: The WebOOGL System
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Persistent Systems Research Group Home Page
Description: An introduction to the Persistent Systems Research Group, part of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney
Keywords: Persistent, Operating, System, Basser, Sydney
Title: Persistent Systems Research Group Home Page
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Grasshopper Persistent Operating System
Description: An introduction to the Grasshopper Persistent Operating System. A project of the Persistent Systems Research Group, part of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney
Keywords: Grasshopper, Persistent, Operating, System, Basser, Sydney
Title: The Grasshopper Persistent Operating System
ALIWEB-Title: Publications Concerning the Grasshopper Persistent Operating System
Description: A list of available publications concerning the Grasshopper Persistent Operating System. A project of the Persistent Systems Research Group, part of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney
Keywords: Grasshopper, Persistent, Operating, System, Basser, Sydney
Title: Publications Concerning the Grasshopper Persistent Operating System
Description: Information about the Ichthus WWW Cache Server/Gateway. Ichthus is a cache service, written in Perl, and is intended for HTTP documents only. The description talks about some of the issues faced by Ichthus, such as consistency, and gives details about obtaining the Perl source.
ALIWEB-Title: A Brief Introduction to the 9term Terminal Emulator
Description: An introduction to the 9term terminal program--a Unicode aware terminal emulator for UNIX and X. Instructions for fetching 9term, sam (a mouse based Unicode editor), and tcs (a character set translation program) are presented.
Keywords: 9term, Unicode, Unix, X Window Systems, Plan 9, UTF, sam, tcs
Title: A Brief Introduction to the 9term Terminal Emulator
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Description: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Description: A starting point into the Star Trek universe with pointers to information on The Next Generation (ST:TNG), Deep Space Nine (ST:DS9), Voyager (ST:VOY) and Generations.
Description: EMS is a full-service Internet Content provider located in Orem Utah. The company owns and operates the iMall, one of the fastest growing, most popular shopping sites on the entire Internet.
Description: The Super Bowl XXX Mall brings you the latest and hottest football merchandise. Don't forget to plan for holiday shopping by starting now to stock up on Super Bowl XXX gift merchandise!
Description: For more than a decade, Covey Leadership Center has been recognized as one of the world's premier leadership development authorities, helping millions of individuals and organizations solve personal, professional, and organizational problems through Principle-Centered Leadership.
Keywords: leader, seven, habit, principle, principal, first things
Title: Covey Leadership Center
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
Creation-Date: 75
Description: The FONE FAX server provides information about name brand products available over the Internet at below wholesale prices.